To be eligible to apply for the Commercial Façade Grant (CFG) Program you must be a property owner within the State Road 7 Community Redevelopment Agency boundaries of the City of Lauderhill and visible from the commercial corridor. In order for your property to be eligible, your building must contain businesses that have commercial activity as their primary purpose, including but not limited to traditional retail and specialty shops, services, restaurants and bars, cultural venues, professional offices and commercial retail centers. Mixed‐use buildings are also eligible as long as the first story of such buildings is predominantly used for commercial activity.
In addition, manufacturing companies are eligible to apply if they are an allowed and permitted use in their zoning district or if they have been approved for a special exception use. Owners of vacant buildings are eligible to apply with proof of tenant agreements and/or proof that the property can be occupied as defined by the code ordinance.
Apply for the Commercial Façade Grant Program today, or please call 954-730-3043 or email for more information.